Monday, January 23, 2012

TUSAL and Progress on ATS

Hi everybody!

We had a nice snowy weekend. The 6+ inches kept us inside for the most part.

Hope all of you enjoyed your weekend.

Here is my TUSAL. I am off to a good start for 2012.

As you can see, mostly green from all that grass found here
I am slowly creeping along. I have finished all the animals, but I still have some plants and a large three left to stitch, and of course lots and lots of grass!

Thank you for all of your encouraging comments! I love reading them. I have received some comments and email that I was not able to return because it was not enabled. Please know that I appreciate the time you took to email me. I only wish I could acknowledge you personally.

I will keep plugging away at it! My goal is to finish it in January. I hope I can make it!

Friday, January 20, 2012

Still here in the grass with And They Sinned

I take an occasional dip into the pond, but mostly my time has been spent in the grass!

I have a few more critters here to keep me company. There are still more animals and plants to stitch.
It is crawling along slowly.

I am sooooo ready for this one to be done!

btw ...I missed my blogiversary. It was last saturday. I find it so hard to believe that it has been 4 years since I started this blog! That's a lot of stitching!