Anyone who is a regular reader of this blog knows that I love to stitch the older stamped samplers. I have quite a collection of them now. They are perfect for when I am feeling tired, brain-dead, or do not have access to my magnifier.
A while ago, I picked up one of these samplers that was about 60% completed. It was dirty and had a few stains, but overall it was a very nice sampler. From the looks of it, it had been stitched by at least 2 previous stitchers, if not more. Some of the stitching did not go in the same direction, which did bug me a little. I re-stitched one of the motifs, but quickly realized that I would not have enough of the remaining floss that accompanied it, to re-do much more. All in all, it did not look bad, so I just finished the remaining motifs.
This was a Sears Needlework Kit # 5142 published in the Fall of 1967. It definitely looked like an historical reproduction. I wanted to see if I could find out more about it, so off to Google I went.
I found the exact same sampler being sold by antique dealer/auctioneer. He listed it as, "The Fecelanno Sampler, stitched by someone in the Fecelanno family in 1850".
or maybe , could it be . . .
Fece l'anno (made in the year)
Ok, now maybe not everyone would know that that is Latin, but if you were putting yourself out there as an expert, wouldn't you at least take the time to do a little research?
In less than 10 minutes online, I found that this was a very common phrase found on many continental samplers. There were several samplers in the Victoria and Albert collection that included this phrase.
Anyway, I completed the sampler and gave it a good soak. Most of the stains came out, or got much lighter.
Here she is:
Vintage Sears Needlework sampler # 5142 from 1967
(click to enlarge) |
And now for another old Latin saying:
Caveat emptor ! (let the buyer beware)!
Don't you just love
"experts" ?