Wednesday, October 26, 2011

October TUSAL and an Update

My favorite month of the year is all too quickly coming to an end.

Here is my TUSAL for October. Doesn't look too impressive, probably due to muted colors and single strand threads .

I have continued working on And They Sinned. I have been in a bit of a funk about everything. I wasn't sure I wanted to continue on this, but it actually seemed easier to keep going, rather than work on something new.

I ran out of GAST Cherry Bark, so I couldn't finish the fence. I have ordered it, and hopefully will receive it in a day or two. I think maroon is an odd color for a fence, but that is what the design calls for.

This is where I left off.

It is slowly creeping along. Here is the whole thing.
Not the best picture to be sure! These long ones are tough to photograph!

I want to thank everyone for your encouragement and suggestions. There is still no progress on the medical bill front. The insurance company has paid less than 10% of the bills. We are appealing this claim, but I do not have high hopes. They seem to do exactly what they please. I don't know what we will do.

Medically, I guess I am making some progress because I am to start physical therapy next week. I am not looking forward to adding more expense to this situation, but I guess it represents some measure of progress.

The bees did very well all summer, and then suddenly one of the hives died in September. A couple of the others seem weak. Normally we have our largest honey harvest in the fall, but this year. we only got about 20 bottles. Keith wanted to leave the rest of the honey for the bees, to help them get through the winter. We now have only 4 hives. He is going to order 2 more in the spring. I hate to disappoint people who come looking for honey. We have regular customers now who have come to depend upon us. Unfortunately there are only 7 bottles left. (Sorry guys)!

Happy Halloween everyone!