It is still coming down! The temperature is really dropping too! I will have sympathy with the many revellers down at Times Square tonight!
It is best done the way I did it, eighteen years old, full of energy and enthusiasm, and oblivious to the cold!
Today is a natural day for reflection on the previous year, but also a time to look ahead.

Harvest Blooms - Hands to Work
Not all of these are framed yet. I have to spend some time on that. I wish there could have been more of them, but then, that's what next year is about!
There are many designs that I want to work on next year, but I don't have a real plan just yet because I need to focus all my attention on finishing my braided rug.
I would love to do Patricia Andrle's Cardinal Sampler, as well as her Fine Feathers. I doubt that I will be able to do both. Also I have waiting for me in my stash, The Loara Standish Sampler. This is a major undertaking which I am finding quite daunting! It would probably take a year to do by itself!
Of course there are numerous others calling to me!
I want to wish all of you a very Happy New Year!
Let's hope it's a good one!