Friday, August 16, 2024

I have finished the first page of Eleanor Parr!

 I thought I would be here before now, but here she is:

Page one is finished! Only 24 more pages to go!

I do wish I had changed the colors in this sampler before I started it. The "Fantasia" like colors do not look at all like an historical sampler,(especially the Barbie pink)!

Oh well, too late to change it now! I will plod along. Perhaps I will feel better about it when it is finished.

On another aggravating issue . . . has anyone ever dealt with Constellation Energy? We are having an awful problem with them. They are a secondary energy seller. For the past year we have tried to get away from them. Last spring, Orange & Rockland Utitlities, my provider swore to us that a lock had been placed on our account, and it could not be changed without our permission. NOT TRUE! We are back with Constellation, and of course, the bill is higher. I cannot imagine what we can do that we have not done. The utility says they are "looking into it". AHHG! I have spent a great deal of time "on hold" lately! Be sure you check your utility bills every month. Apparently this is going on a lot.

Well that is my gripe for the day! Happy stitching everyone!