Monday, January 21, 2008

Foiled Again!

I have been trying to get ahold of the cross stitch pattern Village by the Sea for what seems like ages now!

I was hoping it would be my next project. Ebay can either be a blessing or a curse! This is the third time I have been outbid on this pattern. It does not come up very often, and it stings to lose out on it!

I even placed a $8 phone call to the Columbus Museum of Art. I spoke to the manager of the Gift Shop. He said that there was a Stuck exhibition several years ago, but he had no recollection of these patterns and did not think they were sold by the museum. Strange!?!

I was planning to stitch it with Needlepoint Silks (navy) on sand colored linen. I am looking for something traditional that I could hang in my dining room.

There were parts of the design that I was thinking of changing. Maybe I should just go ahead and design my own pattern!

Oh course that would probably take forever!

If anyone knows where I might get this pattern, please let me know.

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