Tuesday, June 3, 2008

Illuminated House Blessing Coming Along

I finished the large initial on Illuminated House Blessing.

The top of the S is some sort of long-neck bird, and the bottom has a little green-faced guy sticking out his tongue!

Hard to see here, but I have used blending filament around the initial. I wish it was a little brighter.

Then, the entire thing was outlined using a back-stitch.

Next I will be moving to the right, finishing up the first line, and some scrolls that are over the first line.

This looks as if it will be a bit less complex, so maybe I can make some quick progress.

1 comment:

Stitchingranny said...

I sort of knew this one was going to be complicated lol its sure interesting to watch though as there are lots of interesting bits that I never even noticed when I first saw the picture