Thursday, July 19, 2012

TUSAL and Deep Peace

My jar is starting to get very full!

You see the light gold threads at the top?
That was my new start. - Not fun frogging one over one stitching!

I have had Deep Peace in my stash for years. I decided it was finally time to stitch it.

Deep Peace - Forget-Me-Nots In Stitches
by Lauren Sauer 1998
I think the reason I haven't started it before is that I find it quite daunting! It comes in a booklet form, and the directions are largely written. Although many helpful diagrams are included, it is very different from the usual type chart. I have the utmost admiration for the designer for attempting such a complex design.

Unfortunately the only picture included is very small one on the cover. I have enlarged it here so you can see the detail.

I started on the initial as the instructions suggest.

Not much to show. I had more before I realized I was following the wrong chart. It is all one over one. I was using the smaller overlay and didn't realize that everything was shown one over two! Ugh! Lots of frogging! I was considering buying another piece of fabric and starting over, but the materials for this project were quite pricey, so I thought it best to do the frogging.

One of the things that I am apprehensive about is working with real metal. It calls for gold purl for parts of the initial, as well as real gold and silver paillettes. These were a special order and I am still waiting for them.
I am nervous about this one! I really want to do a good job on it.

Well, I will let you know how it goes. Hopefully there will be no more frogging in my future!


Margaret said...

Oh that's so pretty! Too bad about the frogging though. Good luck with the metal thread. I've never tried it myself.

Samplers, Silks and Linens said...

I would also be intimidated by this chart - but it is good to challenge ourselves - I am interested in gold work and would love to do some in the future - so make sure you keep us updated with how you are going with this piece :) frogging aside have fun stitching!

Barb said...

This looks like it is going to be quite beautiful.

Dani - tkdchick said...

Looks like its time to move into a bigger jar!

That is going to be just stunning when finished!

Penny said...

This is a pretty design! Hopefully no more frogging. :) Glad to have found your blog!

Karoline said...

Congratulations on finishing Sarah, she's gorgeous

Deep Peace is a lovely new start

Brigitte said...

That's a great new start but wow, what a project. All over one, so it will look gorgeous.

Angela said...

What do you do when your jar is completely filled?