Sunday, February 16, 2025

I sure hope spring is coming soon!

 It has been such a long cold winter here in New York! I have been reading all of your blogs and I am seeing lovely photos of flowers and buds. Not here! It seems like we have a new snow storm every 2 days! And I don't even live upstate in the snow belt! I would love to see a crocus popping up!

Well, my chickens have been laying a few more eggs lately, so maybe there is hope! They don't lay many during the winter.

I sneaked in a little Valentine's Day stitch in between Eleanor Parr.

Chablis Hearts - Country Garden Stitchery

I added our initials to the middle heart.

and, I think I found the perfect fabric in my stash for the backing!

Now, all I need is the time to finish it! Ha!

In between I have been plodding away on Eleanor Parr. I am now working on page 7. I think there are about 25 pages in all I am running out of steam on this one. I have been having second thoughts on substituting the verse with the bird poem. I do like the bird poem, but it would take a while to graph it out. I am anxious to getting this one finished. I don't know! Still trying to decide. This is a very slow stitch due to all the color changes every few stitches!

Here is where I am:

I have miles and miles to go!

Here's hoping spring will come soon!

Best wishes,
