Here is my June contribution to the TUSAL:
I would like to thank all of you for your kind comments. I was not able to connect with some of you (no link), but please know how much I appreciate them!
I have been determined to work on whittling down my stash. The project I am working on now, is the Shelburne Sampler. I have had this kit in my stash for ages. It is stitched on what I think is 27 count linen, and, interestingly enough, Danish flower thread!
The picture included is very small, and not very good:

The original hang in the Hat and Fragrance Unit of the Shelburne Museum, Shelburne, Vermont.
Here is a black and white picture of the original:

It seems very light and bright. I may give it a tea bath when I am finished to age it a bit.
This is what I have so far: