It was only 8 degrees here this morning, and it hasn't really warmed up much since!
I can't believe tomorrow is the last day of January! It has been a very fast month.
I have gotten quite a bit of stitching done on Country Garden, though the project is so large that it doesn't seem like I have accomplished very much.
(click to enlarge)
It is really hard to photograph it with any detail. This is the biggest panel, but unfortunately there are 5 panels altogether in this King-sized quilt. At times it does get very monotonous working on this. I have started on one of the side panels, and I am a little over half way done.
I would like to work on another project, but I have never been much good at establishing a rotation. I may have to re-visit that, because this one is going to take a very long time!
Also, I have joined the Totally Useless SAL!
Here is January's contribution:
I would love to add some other colors to this jar!
Besides this, I have been spending my time painting my house. I am finally just about finished with my bedroom. That has taken over a month.
Before I go, I just wanted to show you one of my estate sale finds. For years I have been looking for a Slipper chair for my bedroom. I got this for $25!